FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions
Don't see your Question? Contact us and we'll get it answered! Contact UsEnrollment
Are you enrolling?
We generally have openings, however, some of the classrooms for younger children may have waiting lists. Pre-school and School Age children can usually be enrolled immediately. Check us out! Call for a tour (616) 363-1210. We are happy to show you how our classrooms can meet your family’s child care and pre-school needs.
Do you give preference to siblings during high enrollment periods?
We always give special consideration to siblings of currently enrolled children. We offer 10% discounted tuition rate for siblings.
Do you accept special needs children?
Absolutely! It is our pleasure and privilege to work with children who have special needs. We work closely with other providers, e.g. speech therapy, occupational therapy, Head Start, etc. We accommodate any program or medication requirements. Give us a call, (616) 363-1210, to discuss your child’s needs.
Health & Allergies
If my child is sick, is he/she allowed to still be at your center?
Our goal is to provide a healthy environment for all children. We ask that children be kept home when showing signs of contagious illness or fever. Your child should be fever free, without medication, for 24-hours before returning to care. A doctor’s note may be required to return to the Center.
At enrollment an up-to-date health form, including immunizations, must be completed for each child. These are updated annually for 12 – 30 month children and every two years for 2 ½ – 5 year old children.
A more detailed Health Policy is available in our Parent Handbook, given to you at the time of enrollment.
My child has food allergies. Do you provide alternate meal plans?
Our staff is prepared to provide for special dietary needs or restrictions, e.g. gluten free, peanut free, vegetarian, lactose intolerant. However, when a specific brand or product is required, we may ask that you provide it, e.g. soy milk, gluten free snacks etc.
I want to bring snacks to share with my child's classroom. What kind are allowed?
ACCD is an inclusive Center serving children who have many different dietary needs and beliefs. We do not want children to feel “left out” when snacks are provided that may not be safe for them to eat. Therefore, we encourage parents to bring non-food items such as stickers, washable markers, etc. as treats on special days.
School Hours of Operation & Closures
What are the center's hours?
ACCD is open from 7:00 AM – 5:30 PM, Monday through Friday. We are closed on major U.S. holidays. Click here to view our Annual Calendar.
Are you open when K-12 schools are closed?
Yes. We remain open when schools are closed for Parent-Teacher Conference or continuing education days for teachers.
ACCD has every intention of staying open on public school snow days and during inclement weather. However, the Center will close when:
- There is a power outage lasting more than 1 hour during business hours, per State of Michigan Licensing Regulations.
- Severe weather is such that opening or remaining open presents a safety concern for children and staff.
When there is a closure, parents will be notified immediately via Brightwheel (internal messaging system), email, and social media.
Facility Safety
What are your child pickup policies?
We take security very seriously. All doors to ACCD are locked during operating hours. Parents must contact a teacher or the Center Director upon checking in/out. Each child must be checked in/out via tablet or smart phone using Brightwheel (internal attendance tracking system).
As a communicable disease precaution, parents are asked to stay in the main lobby during drop off/ pick-up.
Is your outside play area safe?
ACCD’s large outside play area is securely fenced with access gates kept locked at all times. Unknown persons may not observe children from outside the play area. If this does occur, protocols are in place to keep children safe, including alerting public safety authorities.
Our play structures are regularly inspected and maintained for safety. ACCD complies with all State of Michigan Licensing Regulations regarding play areas for young children.
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